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Unit 3 单元测试题及答案

[02-12 23:00:41]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  初二英语练习题   阅读:8103

概要:一、根据括号中所给汉语写出单词1. Many football fans c___________ for their favourite players when they watch the World Cup.2. The long trip c___________ me 1,000 yuan.3. It is _____________(可能的) for you to finish the work within two days.4. Thank you for ___________ (同意) to let me join in your trip.5. The bank is only two ____________ (街区) away.6. If you do that, you will feel much _____________ (健康的).7. I like Nanjing Road in Shanghai, but I don’t like the busy ___________ (交通).8. &mdas

Unit 3 单元测试题及答案,标签:八年级英语练习题,http://www.kgf8.com


1. Many football fans c___________ for their favourite players when they watch the World Cup.

2. The long trip c___________ me 1,000 yuan.

3. It is _____________(可能的) for you to finish the work within two days.

4. Thank you for ___________ (同意) to let me join in your trip.

5. The bank is only two ____________ (街区) away.

6. If you do that, you will feel much _____________ (健康的).

7. I like Nanjing Road in Shanghai, but I don’t like the busy ___________ (交通).

8. — Who is the 16th _____________ (总统) of American?

— Lincoln.

9. We are surprised to see so many ___________ (令人惊讶的) things.

10. It was a great day but we didn’t enjoy it at the _____________(开始).


1. 尽可能快的_______________________ 2. 对某人来说该是干某事的时候了________

3. 下决心干……_____________________ 4. 在….开始时__________________________

5. 在大部分旅程中感到难受___________ 6. 一百多处名胜古迹____________________

7. 不能相信某人的眼睛_______________ 8. 去骑马______________________________

9. 带有一个大花园的漂亮的大楼_______ 10. 塞纳河边的咖啡馆___________________

11. 观日出__________________________ 12. 为…..组织一天出游__________________

13. 埃及金字塔______________________ 14. 乘船旅行___________________________

15. 给某人写一封邀请信______________ 16. 邀请某人干某事_____________________

17. 需要某人的支持__________________ 18. 感受….的美丽______________________

19. 制作网页________________________ 20. 自学_______________________________


1. We have some problems _______ there.

A. to get B. is getting C. get to D. getting to

2. The apple is _________ redder than that one.

A. very B. too C. much D. more

3. I don’t want to watch TV this evening . I’ll listen to music ________ .

A. instead of B. also C. too D. instead

4. The panda is ______ look after herself.

A. old enough B. enough old C. enough old to D. old enough to

5. Help ______ to some chocolates, children.

A. you B. yourself C. yourselves D. yours

6. — Why don’t we go out for a walk ?

— _______.

A. I’m not sure B. I hope not C. I’m afraid D. Good idea

7. There ______ a lot of traffic on the roads.

A. are B. is C. have D. has

8. The cost of the trip is 10 yuan for each ______ .

A. children B. men C. people D. person

9. This table is made _____ wood and that kind of paper is made ______ wood, too. They are all made ________ my hometown.

A. of; from; in B. in; from; of C. for; of; in D. from; in; of

10. — I’m going to Hainan for a holiday.

— ______________.

A. Have a good time B. Never mind C. You are right D. Thanks

11. There goes the bell. Hurry up, _______ you’ll be late for class.

A. and B. that C. or D. but

12. Everyone must learn to look after _____.

A. themselves B. himself C. yourself D. herself

13. Do you still remember your trip _______ the World Park?

A. for B. to C. in D. on

14. Work hard, _______ you will pass the driving test.

A. and B. but C. because D. or

15. When I couldn’t work out the exercise, he stopped ____ me.

A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps


1. I have no time ____________ (think) about it.

2. Would you please _____________ (ask) John to come here.

3. My mother sends her _____________ (greet) to you all.

4. He agreed _______________ (help) me any time.

5. Why not ______________ (drive) to Beijing Amusement Park?

6. Some of us enjoy _________________ (climb) the rocks.

7. Don’t forget ________________ (bring ) your English homework here.

8. Do you choose _______________ (leave) or stay?

9. We look forward to __________________ ( go) to the Eriffel Tower.

10. We’re going to have fun __________________ (sing) this song.


1. 你一到那里请就打电话给我。


2. 她决定不把这令人震惊的消息告诉他人。


3. 将来有一天,我将亲自去看看长城。


4. 好好休息,你会好些的。


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