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[02-12 23:15:49]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  初二英语作文   阅读:8922

概要:初二(八年级)暑假英语日记:2013年的暑假终于在同学们的期待中款款到来,那么同学们是否会在暑假里每天用英语日记来记录下自己的暑假生活呢,下面小编为大家整理了初二(八年级)暑假英语日记,供大家参考。I went out to have dinner with father today. I should make toast during the dinner but there was no juice availabe. So I had a bottle of beer. My face turned red but I was not drunk. I dont think beer tastes bad but I wont like have it too much because I am only a student.翻译:今天和爸爸一起出去吃饭。吃饭的时候要敬酒。那里没有果汁。我就拿了一瓶啤酒开始到处敬酒。喝了一瓶酒后,我的脸红了,但没有醉。我认为啤酒并不难喝,但我还是要少喝酒。因为我还只是一个学生。 初二(八年级)暑假英语日记,由www.k



  I went out to have dinner with father today. I should make toast during the dinner but there was no juice availabe. So I had a bottle of beer. My face turned red but I was not drunk. I dont think beer tastes bad but I wont like have it too much because I am only a student.




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