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[10-19 22:43:03]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  高一英语学习指导   阅读:8616

概要: 如何用英语表示邀请 1. 表示邀请的常用套语: Would [Will] you do me the honour of dancing with me? 能请你跳曲舞吗? Would [Will] you do me the pleasure of dancing with me? 能请你跳曲舞吗? Could [May] I have the honour of dancing with you? 能请你跳曲舞吗? Could [May] I have the pleasure of dancing with you? 能请你跳曲舞吗? Would [Will] you honour me with a dance? 能请你跳曲舞吗? Could [May] I have the honour of your company at dinner tonight? 今晚能请你共进晚餐吗? Would [Will] you honour me by coming to the party tonight? 请你



    1. 表示邀请的常用套语:

    Would [Will] you do me the honour of dancing with me? 能请你跳曲舞吗?

    Would [Will] you do me the pleasure of dancing with me? 能请你跳曲舞吗?

    Could [May] I have the honour of dancing with you? 能请你跳曲舞吗?

    Could [May] I have the pleasure of dancing with you? 能请你跳曲舞吗?

    Would [Will] you honour me with a dance? 能请你跳曲舞吗?

    Could [May] I have the honour of your company at dinner tonight? 今晚能请你共进晚餐吗?

    Would [Will] you honour me by coming to the party tonight? 请你赏光出席今晚的聚会好吗?

    Would [Will] you come to our party, please? 请来参加我们的聚会好吗?

    Would you like a cup of tea? 要喝杯茶吗?

    Would you like to sit with us? 你愿和我们坐一起吗?

    Won‘t you come in and have a cup of tea? 不进来喝杯茶吗?

    Shall we go there together? 我们一起去好吗?

    Do join me for a coffee. 务请同我一起喝杯咖啡。

    Do try to come. 请一定来。

    I‘m going to pay a visit to the farm. Would you like to come? 我想去农场看看,你愿去吗?

    We‘ll be glad if you can come to our meeting. 如果你能来参加我们的会议,我们将很高兴。

    Will you join us for dinner? 请你和我们一起吃饭好吗?

    I‘d very much like you to come to our party. 我非常希望你能来参加我们的聚会。

    What [How] about a cup of tea? 喝杯茶怎么样?

    What [How] about coming with us to the cinema? 跟我们一起去看电影怎么样?

    Why don‘t you [Why not] come with us? 为什么不和我们一起去呢?

    2. 接受邀请的常用套语:

    (Yes,) It‘s very kind [nice] of you. (好,)太感谢你了。

    (Yes,) That‘s very kind [nice] of you. (好,)太感谢你了。

    I‘d (very much) like to. Thank you. 我很愿意,谢谢你。

    I‘d like [love] to. 我很愿意。

    I‘d be glad to. 我很高兴(做……)。

    That‘ll be very nice. 那太好了。

    With pleasure. 我乐意。

    All right. 好吧。

    3. 拒绝邀请的常用套语:

    I‘m afraid I can’t. 恐怕我不能来。

    I‘m sorry. I can’t. 对不起,我不能来。

    I‘d like [love] to, but my mother is ill. 我很愿意来,但我妈妈病了。

    I‘d very much like to, but I’ve already had plans for tonight. 我很愿意去,但我今晚已另有安排。

    I wish I could, but I‘ve promised to show Tom around. 我希望能来,但我已答应带汤姆转转。

    Thank you (very much) for asking me, but I‘m not feeling well. 谢谢你邀请我,但我不太舒服。

    If you don‘t mind, I’d rather not. I‘ve got a bit of a headache. 如果你不介意,我想不去了,我有点头痛。(「交际指南」

    1. 在提出邀请时,根据邀请的可接受性,可分为直接邀请和间接邀请。一般说来,若说话者(即提出邀请者)对听话者(被邀请者)是否会接受此项邀请,没有多大把握,尤其是当双方关系不很密切时,以采用间接邀请方式比较保险,以免陷入尴尬的局面。所谓间接邀请就是指提出的邀请比较委婉,若对方不接受,也有拒绝的余地。 如:

    Would you like some coffee? 你要喝咖啡吗?

    We were wondering if you‘d like to come to dinner. 我们不知能否请你来吃晚餐?

    How about coming to the movies tonight? 今晚去看电影怎么样?

    Why don‘t you come and eat with us? 为什么不来和我们一起吃饭呢?


    Have a cup of tea. 喝杯茶吧。

    Help yourself. 随便吃吧。

    Come and see us next time you‘re in town. 下次进城,来看我们。

    Try some of this cake. 吃吃这块蛋糕。

    2. 被邀请者若不接受邀请,一般应找出合适的理由向对方说明,通常的方式是先说明己很愿意(或很想)接受邀请,然后用 but 进行转折。 如:

    I‘d like to, but……

    I wish I could, but ……

    Thank you very much, but ……

    It‘s very nice of you, but I’m afraid……

    值得一提的是:在陈述自己不能接受邀请的理由之后,最好加上一句:Thank you just [all] the same 或 Thank you anyway.(尽管如此,我还是要谢谢你)。

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