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Believe it or not是什么意思

[10-19 22:43:03]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  高一英语学习指导   阅读:8456

概要: Believe it or not是什么意思 当说话人要告诉对方一件意想不到事或使对方感到惊奇或不愿相信的事时,用以强调自己所说之话的真实性,意为:信不信由你;不管你信不信;我说的是真的。如: I was already a university teacher, believe it or not, when I was only twenty. 信不信由你,我才20岁就已经是大学老师了。 I asked my boss for a month‘s holiday and, believe it or not, he agreed. 我向老板请一个月的假,信不信由你,他同意了。 Believe it or not, this mosque is in the heart of London. 信不信由你,这座清真寺就在伦敦市中心。 有时也说 Would you believe it? /Believe or believe not.

Believe it or not是什么意思,标签:高一英语学习指导大全,高中英语学习方法,http://www.kgf8.com

    Believe it or not是什么意思


    I was already a university teacher, believe it or not, when I was only twenty. 信不信由你,我才20岁就已经是大学老师了。

    I asked my boss for a month‘s holiday and, believe it or not, he agreed. 我向老板请一个月的假,信不信由你,他同意了。

    Believe it or not, this mosque is in the heart of London. 信不信由你,这座清真寺就在伦敦市中心。

    有时也说 Would you believe it? /Believe or believe not.

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