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二年级第二学期PRACTICE 7复习题

[02-09 16:18:27]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  二年级英语课内同步单元测试   阅读:8360

概要:导语:为了丰富同学们的学习生活,www.kgf8.com二年级下册英语课内同步单元测试栏目为同学们搜集整理了有关二年级的单元测试试题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!Vocabulary (15 marks)Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (8*1=8 marks)( ) 1. Jamie was _________ to Steven for his help.A. grateful B. remorseful C. successful D. joyful( ) 2. The mountain slope is ___________.A. flat B. steepC. pointed D. sharp( ) 3. May and Mark built a snowman when _________ came.A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter( ) 4. ___________ are e

二年级第二学期PRACTICE 7复习题,标签:二年级英语课内同步单元测试大全,http://www.kgf8.com


  Vocabulary (15 marks)

  Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (8*1=8 marks)

  ( ) 1. Jamie was _________ to Steven for his help.

  A. grateful     B. remorseful    C. successful  D. joyful

  ( ) 2. The mountain slope is ___________.

  A. flat      B. steep

  C. pointed     D. sharp

  ( ) 3. May and Mark built a snowman when _________ came.

  A. spring      B. summer      C. autumn    D. winter

  ( ) 4. ___________ are extinct.

  A. Tigers      B. Whales      C. Dinosaurs   D. Cobras

  ( ) 5. The bride and groom walked down the _________.

  A. road       B. pavement     C. aisle     D. isle

  ( ) 6. John is putting his swimming __________ on.

  A. clothes     B. trunks      C. shirt     D. trousers

  ( ) 7. Meiling was __________ when her beloved pet dog died.

  A. upset      B. glad       C. happy     D. sore

  ( ) 8. Jason ________ the secret into my ears.

  A. shouted     B. whispered    C. screamed   D. cried

  Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Use each word only once.

  (7*1=7 marks)








  9. The ___________ across the road serves good food.

  10. We use __________ to wash our body.

  11. The __________ delivers letters and parcels to our houses.

  12. Mother is barking a cake in the __________.

  13. The dog is ___________ so loudly in the middle of the night.

  14. The teacher praised James for being _________ in returning the lost wallet.

  15. The _________ boy is studying hard for the examinations.

  Grammar (25 marks)

  Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (15*1=15 marks)

  16. ( These, Those, This ) toys in that box are mine.

  17. My parents ( has, have, are ) bought me a new bag.

  18. ( Whose, What, Whom ) toothbrush is this?

  19. This fish is not fresh and it ( smell, smells, smelling ).

  20. This special discount is only ( give, gave, given ) to regular customers.

  21. Jack will be ( go, goes, going ) to England to further his studies soon.

  22. ( Which, Whose, What ) of the pens is yours?

  23. Meng is talking ( to, from, in ) Kheng now.

  24. May I ( has, have, having ) some biscuits, please?

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