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关于师生恋的大学英语作文-Teacher-student romance

[11-04 01:40:09]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  大学英语作文   阅读:8775

概要:Different people have the different opinions about this issue,just as a coin has 2 sides,no side is better than the other.Presumably,such kind of love affair is considered spiritually immoral,most of people reject it,as it is so weird in China differing from the western nations,for chinese people,those are a little bit conservative.But I think that school fired the teacher is so barbaric and didn't show mercy to him,who may experienced a hard time to become a teacher,all that just

关于师生恋的大学英语作文-Teacher-student romance,标签:大学英语作文范文,大学英语作文大全,http://www.kgf8.com

  Different people have the different opinions about this issue,just as a coin has 2 sides,no side is better than the other.Presumably,such kind of love affair is considered spiritually immoral,most of people reject it,as it is so weird in China differing from the western nations,for chinese people,those are a little bit conservative.But I think that school fired the teacher is so barbaric and didn't show mercy to him,who may experienced a hard time to become a teacher,all that just can ruin his life and future,I think the school's prompt action is that you should end up the relationship with that girl otherwise you will be fired,it is more reasonable,don't you agree?you know,love is just a sense of human nature,which we should repect,it is so cruel if we separate lovers.....(英语作文)

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